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Nanjing Ocean Shipping Agency Co., Ltd.

Setting up in 2001, NASCOAGZ is one of the first shipping agency company limited approved by the Ministry of Communication in China.

The company’s business scope covers full agency services including: husbandry service such as ship boarding, preparing vouchers and shipping documents, signing bills of loading and shipping contracts on commission, providing speedy settlement to the delayed execution of the agreements, collecting and paying sums of money on commission, attending procedure for ship’s entry and departure, arranging pilotage and ship’s berthing, loading and discharging, customs declaration, cargo forwarding and transshipment, organizing shipping tonnage, booking shipping space, attending marine casualties, assisting the settlement of maritime commerce and maritime affairs, ship supply and repair, crew changes as well as processing all the matters related with ship, crew, passenger and cargo.

NASCOAGZ has close relationships with those port authorities of Nanjing , Zhangjiagang, Yangzhou and some other Ports in Yangzi River. It shall provide its clients with tailored and reliable services on reasonable charges.

Tel: +86-25-83207627 83207628 83207629

Fax: +86-25-8320 7602


A ?Solemn Declaration on the False Report in respect of M/V HEILAN STAR was Allegedly Carrying Cargoes to Iran and Stopped by a British Warship
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